
Apr 14, 20193 min read
Product review: Tigers Den Republic Era Mùjian / wooden sword
I have had the privilege and pleasure to receive one of Tigers Den's newest products.

Apr 7, 20194 min read
Celebrating the Birthday of Zhang San Feng, Patriarch of Taijiquan
On the 9th April, we will celebrate the Birthday of Zhang San Feng (張三豐), who was born in 1247.

Mar 29, 20192 min read
Don't fight the feeling...
One of the things that puts people of Chinese martial arts is the amount of stance training and people being pedantic about the movements.

Mar 1, 20194 min read
The long road to be a warrior in pre-modern China
There is idea the a lot of people entertain where it must of been a pretty straight forward way to be a warrior.