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Another year draws to an end

I have been teaching for a few years now, but Hawkenbury is now the home of White Horse Tai Chi. It's taken a while to get the hall I originally wanted and the website is on it's first anniversary. I would like to thank my family and friends who believed in me. Teaching is hard work, but it is worth it. I love putting things together and making it work. It doesn't always go that way I hoped, but I'm thankful when it does. A journey is not always like a direct flight. Sometimes we have to make multiply stops and transfer to another route. That is life and I embrace the challenges.

So another year comes to a close. It has been a pretty busy year and hopefully, next year will be an even better year. I don't intend to lose focus. Tai Chi is a big part of my life. Teaching is one aspect, but I also invest a lot of time training and preparing for competitions. I know it is Christmas, but make time for training. If you have not done Tai Chi before, I recommend that you try. With White Horse Tai Chi, the first lesson is free. If you are looking at New Years resolutions. Think about Tai Chi and Qigong. I started Tai Chi as a New Years resolution about 12 years ago. Initially, it was for some gentle exercise, but end up doing a whole lot more. Tai Chi is not just for old people, it suits people from all walks of life.

Thank you for reading my blog and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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