Tai Chi humour
Somebody anonymously sent me a message through my website and asked How many Tai Chi students does it take to change a lightbulb? So if you're reading this, here's my answers.
Answer 1. Tai Chi students take turns changing the light bulb.
Answer 2. Tai Chi students don't need to change the light bulb, they train in the dark.
Answer 3. Tai Chi students don't need to change the light bulb, because for where there is darkness, there is also light.
And here's a few other jokes from the past.
Q. Why did the Tai Chi master cross the road?
A. To follow the golden cockerel.
Question. How many Tai Chi masters does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer 1. None, the light is within.
Answer 2. He doesn't for where there is darkness, there is also light.
Answer 3. With one hand on the light bulb and using the waist to turn. The bagua master would turn the light bulb by holding it and walking in circles until it comes off. And the same to screw a new one back in.
A Tai Chi master, a Bagua master and Xingyi master were having a discussion on whose style is best. After an hour, nobody could agree. The Xingyi master missed the point. The Bagua just kept going round in circles. The poor Tai Chi master was stuck in the middle.
Why does tai chi appeal to old people so much? Because they’re already moving slow!
What martial arts came from Sweden? Ikea-Do
Not everything I write is in a serious tone. It's important to see the funny side of life and also to have fun.
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